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The first book on the work of Steven Volpe, a designer acclaimed for his grand-scale, bespoke interiors and his impeccable craftsmanship that blurs the line between art and furnishings.

Steven Volpe combines a minimalist approach with a classical sensibility and a connoisseur’s appreciation for authenticity. Adept at mixing pieces from different periods-eighteenth-century pieces combine with midcentury furniture and contemporary art, for example-Volpe brings a richness to his modern interiors.

Volpe was one of the first to champion loft living, moving into a 75-year-old converted warehouse, but he brings his classical training into the modern spaces he favors. «I learned what was appropriate and proper, and now I, too, can break those rules,» he says. One of the ways Volpe breaks the rules is by melding art with decor in his interiors, endearing him to a sophisticated, artistic clientele.

  • Pages


  • Language


  • Publishing date

    September 2021

  • Editor


  • Weight

    1401 gr

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